Sunday, July 6, 2008

Time Warner tries out metered Internet access

Source: href="

Short Summary:
As internet video moves mainstream, ISP's are trying to find ways to deal with the bandwidth costs. Time Warner Cable is attempting to limit usage through pricing. This penalizes users for consuming internet video, imagine a movie download costing $2-4 and then paying $1-2 for the bandwidth... On the flip side, ISP's have no choice but to do something different as the bandwidth costs (with no associated revenue) from internet video skyrocket.

Intercast Feedback:
3 Jun 2008
Author: Noam Bardin, Intercast Networks CEO
By adopting Multicast-to-Storage (M2S) technology, consumers can easily be incentivized to consume video content through M2S enabled services as Multicast does not count against their download caps. In a recent trial conducted by Intercast and several leading universities we proved that our technological approach can scale and that consumers, when operating under download caps such as on university campuses, are aware of the limitations and value the lack of rate limiting M2S provides. ISP's adopting M2S can increase the quantity of content delivered on their networks at a fraction of the cost, providing consumers with a high value and differentiated service.

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